Monday 7 March 2016


You and i are not alone
'Fore we have each other
We say we are different
We're the same
Just a different cover
The same fears reflect in our eyes
And the insecurities
We don't know what is happening 
But we feel the similar energies
Travelers alike
Throughout time and space
Souls that undulate
Trying for love and grace
The physical may be a burden
All those thoughts and feelings
The spirit has been drawn to a place
Where we need no botox or manicured face
All the imperfections laid bare
To glance upon and see if we dare
The imperfection is always perfect
Leading to tears of beauty
Showing its worth't
Growing old is a blessing
Growing up is a joke
When you can let go
You're already there.
What is it you fear to loose?
I fear loosing my free spirit I truly love her
In the grit and grind of my perception of the perception of others
I refuse their standards - they're not as high as my own
Yet I love that I can accept
Those who are gritty &  home grown.
Hello dark moon in Pisces
Your watery emotional crisis
Dredging up dreams long gone
To resurrect that which we're fond
Pulling spirits in from times gone by
Forcing us to laugh and cry
Showing us where we left off
Where we became stagnant
Or burdened our cross
Showing what was torn away
While we were ignoring the night 
And catching the day
Hello dark moon in Pisces
No longer are we in crisis
When the dark can show us the light
And brings forth the will to fight
May we ever be brave enough to take flight
To traverse our way through the night